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Today we traded very selectively until my day trade indicators showed a high probabilty of a "launch" into the close. We swiftly added a position in 3 3x ETF's and soon the profits were rolling in.

We are near a DANGER area long but will run the market up to 875 and then go short.

If you want to get in on the ride up to 875 and down to 802 then please join.

We have a unique service most will never understand as they will not take the time to simply ask for a free trial !

I am a Trader who wants to help you help yourself by learning what it takes to make huge sums of money in the futures options and stock markets

Please join me for a 3 day trial today !



e-mail ;

Call 850-329-6745


Anonymous said...

i am impressed by your results. for the 125$ service you have, will the recommendations be in the form of email alerts or would you expect me to log into a chatroom?
how frequent will be the alerts? will a person not online all the while, but checking email once in 60 mins be able to benefit?


My service is so easy to use ...we send out 10-20 e-mails a day and you can follow on twitter or viamobile device and need not spend days at the computer...we trade short int and long term so we have a benefit to all investors .


Call me 850-329-6745