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I am still amazed looking back over timestamped Traders caught over the past 2 months how we EXACTLY have called the NEW BULL MARKET and how we have gotten out on every 2-5% correction only to buy back in for the next run to new highs. No one who watches this site or who follows TWEEETS on Twitter follow ; tomandprisha can deny the precise timing we have had and our steadfast belief that this is a NEW BULL market that everyone should have jumped at minimum 4 weeks ago ...we posted our portfolios live on and you can see the 200-1400% gains in options futures stocks and I hope that this message reaches you as we are only about 1/3 of the way to the top ! I am quite sure there will be a small setback in the coming 2 weeks from 890 -835 area but it will be the LAST buying opp til the 4th of july !

Tat is why you need to get in on some of my picks...#1 DAG a 2x ag commodity play that my members and I have worked with for months and it is looking to EXPLODE...why do I give you these FREE tips on the free blogs...because I want you to join ..even use the trial as i do not think that you all understand my work !

#1 the internet is a tough place to do business ...many downright cheats and worthless gobbledegook ! I put together a full day of e-mails for you that gives you exactly what I am seeing with buy sell trades and IRA positions too...there is really nothing missing and you can contact me 24/7 robots or is just me ...and I am here to help you get your losses back quickly !

#2 try to forget about the past ...move on and get ready for a great run in the markets ...we can short on periods of assumed weakness but I am bullish and I am the best of the bull pattern traders you can find...especially for the pennies a day !

#3 Don't say it is different this time...take the bull by the horns and have some fun for once...see what we do and join !

The idea of doubling your money this year is not a pipe dream and you can beat the market with our easy system of "trading' the market instead of investing the market ...we are in a era of tremendous oportunity in the stock options and futures market and there is no one who is better suted to help you double your money in the next 12-18 months.

Join today !




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